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Carpentries Lessons

Announcing our newest Curriculum Advisory Committees

Curriculum Advisors will guide the development of our lessons for Ecology, Image Processing, and Social Science.

Apply to become a Curriculum Advisor

Curriculum Advisors provide high-level leadership for lessons. Apply by 22 July

It's a Wrap! The 4th Library Carpentry-Mozilla Global Sprint Concludes.

63 sprinters from 8 countries and 35 institutions took part in the May 2019 sprint.

Mozilla-Library Carpentry Global Sprint, 30-31 May, 2019

Upcoming Sprint to improve and develop Library Carpentry material

Social Sciences Lessons Published!

Announcing publication of a Data Carpentry curriculum for social scientists.

Genomics Bug BBQ

Working to update the Genomics lessons

Lesson Infrastructure Subcommittee 2017 September meeting

This post will cover the topics discussed and their resolutions.

Ecology Issue Bonanza!!!

We’re planning our first lesson release - learn how you can contribute!